SEO(search engine optimization) for his website. The purpose of SEO is to improve the
rank of that website on Google.
How to rank a website on Google’s first page?
If anyone wants to rank his blog website or E-commerce website on the first page of google. Then he must need to be Google indexing first and after that, the content that he is publishing on the website
should be unique and helpful for his audience.
How to increase DA(Domain Authority), PA(Page
authority), and DR(Domain rating)?

If you are doing a blog website and want to earn from Guest posting, then the DA PA and DR are very
important things for your website, the DA DR and PA can be increased by creating backlinks
Content is king

Content is king
The most important thing for SEO is & quot; CONTENT & quot. The content that you are publishing on your
The website should be 100% unique and very helpful for your audience. The purpose of publishing unique content should be the help those people who do & # 39 know about the topic that you published.

The meaning of guest posting is to publish our website-related content on any other website that has
a good DA DR PA and especially "TRAFFIC & quot; and there will be a link to our website in the content.
The mean of link insertion is to put the link to our website on any other website’s content that is
already published in that
How does Guest posting improve SEO?
Publishing good content that has a link to our website on any good website is called Guest
posting. By publishing good content on any other good website the benefit is that the audience
that will read our content will be attracted to our website through that link which we placed in the content.
How you can do free Guest posts and save money
There are two options for doing guest posting.
Paid Guest posting
Paid guest posting means that you are paying to any admin of the website on which you aimed to
publish. Or you are paying any middle man to do this work for you, and frankly, if you are willing
to pay then you should not take help from a middle man. You should do this by yourself
Free guest posting
If you don’t have any budget to pay for guest posting. You also have an option of free guest
posting. But in this process, you have to find a website that offers a free guest post. In free guest
posting you save yourself from any charges of admin and sometimes during paid guest posting we
also have to Hire a middleman so we save ourselves from all those charges.
as you are spending time reading my content I have some free websites for you